Sunday, November 10, 2013

Beach Cleanup

On Friday, October 18, I went to Tai Po to clean up a beach. We had to walk a distance to get to the beach. After taking a group photo, we split into groups of 8. Each group received 2 garbage bags, 8 pairs of gloves, and a clipboard with a sheet to record the amount of garbage we helped clean up. Our group decided to clean up an area that was not crowded with other students. There were many cockroaches in the piles of rubbish. I tried to avoid them the best I can. I picked up pieces of plastic, juice boxes, bottle caps, food wrappers, bottles, gloves, tofu containers, rope, glow sticks, and other random pieces of rubbish. Some of my group members found dead and decaying fish, a skeleton of a fish, and even a rotten chicken! The stench was not very pleasant. We worked on this beach for approximately 2 hours. I was a bit tired afterwards, but I knew that the villagers appreciated my effort. This beach cleanup experience was actually pretty fun. I was able to do service with my friends. Something as simple as cleaning a beach can make a difference in other people's lives. Villagers walked by when we were cleaning up the beach and asked what we were doing. Perhaps, through our actions, they were able to feel the love of God, and may be changed through it. They would know that we care about the environment and wish to make the world a better place.