Thursday, October 16, 2014

Tai Po Organic Farm - October 11, 2014

On October 11, 2014, I went to the Tai Po Organic Farm again. This time, the work we did was not as tiring compared to last time. A volunteer started us off by giving us a tour of the farm. He introduced us to the nursery and the different plots in the organic farm.

After that, we planted broccoli and lettuce. We had to fill the pots with soil, cow manure, and seaweed pellets (provide nutrients). We mixed all the materials together. Then, we used the end of a gardening tool to poke a hole in the soil. We transplanted the young shoots, originally in a small pot, into the bigger pots we've prepared. Finally, we watered them.

It was a really good experience, I was able to help the plants grow and develop.

We went to help out in the nursery. We transplanted the baby shoots into small pots. We had to pick the baby shoots from clumps of soil and put them into their own small pots. I had to poke a small hole with a chopstick and put the shoot in. Then, I covered the empty spaces with soil. That is my favorite thing to do in the Organic Farm.

As I have said before, I really enjoy going to the Organic Farm. I can integrate a lot of symbolism in it. In order for our faith to grow, we need to have sufficient "nutrients". Those "nutrients" would include spending time with God and reading the Bible. I should continue to develop my faith.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Approved MAD Proposal Form

Here is the link to our approved MAD proposal form.