Wednesday, November 5, 2014

First MAD Project Service

Yesterday, on November 4, I officially started the "action" part of my MAD project. After school, my MAD group and I went to Mr. Meyer to help out around the art room. The first task that we were given was to clean the sink. The sink was filled with dried out paint and had globs of paint stuck onto it. We scrubbed the sink clean using sponges and towels. We removed the drainer and had to scrub that out too. After cleaning the sink up, 2 of us went down with Mr. Meyer to help hang artwork. We had to be very careful when pinning the artwork up because students have spent hours on it. I felt pressured as I hung it up. In the end, it looked decent. However, the organization and placement of the artwork could have been better. I will pay attention to that next time if Mr. Meyer asks us to help him with that kind of task again. Overall, it was an enjoyable first service. I had a better idea on what Mr. Meyer would like us to do.

Currently, we plan on alternating between Mr. Meyer and Ms. Hunter every week. Two students will go to Mr. Meyer and the other two will go to Mrs. Hunter. We will rotate every week. Depending on the need, we will adjust our schedules to satisfy the needs.

First SWD Meeting

On October 31, I had the my SWD meeting. We talked about the different kinds of services that we can help out with. Services included helping the children, elderly, disabled, mentally ill, mentally retarded, drug abusers, and people in hospitals. There is a wide variety of services that I can participate in. I don't really have a particular service that I especially want to help with, so I will explore the different areas first then focus on one particular kind of service if I want to.