Friday, March 10, 2017

January Update After the Event- DHOD was a success!

This event has been a success! :) I don't know the exact number now, but we had over 300 or at least close to 400 domestic helpers on the day. The day went by pretty smoothly with not a lot of hiccups. Most volunteers did as they were supposed to, but a couple didn't show up or had to leave before due to illness. That is understandable, but is always better to have all hands on deck when needed. I arrived 2 hours before the actual event stated, and had to run up and down asking Hong Yip to have the supplies and tables ready in all locations. We were missing a couple of chairs, and so Hong Yip delivered them soon. I had to confirm some final details with Mrs. Wible about the lucky draw. I also helped a bit with the clothing drive, but Eun Hee had a good grip on what was going on for that, so that was good. The rotations for the different events worked at first but it fell through as helpers began to leave. Overall, it was a very successful event, and we received very positive feedback from the helpers on our facebook page. It was amazing blessing them.