Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Tai Po Organic Farm 3

On March 8, 2014, I went to an organic farm in Tai Po again. Turns out, out of those who did sign up for this service, I was the only one that went. But, a lady from the advancement office also joined me, resulting in a total of 3 people that served that day.

First, we attached strings to the bamboo sticks so that the melon plants can grow around that string. The strings were attached vertically. We watered the plants a bit. Seeing that some of the plants did not make it, we removed them and replaced the dead plants with new plants. Afterwards, the Tai Po Organic Farm asked us to help them sweep the boardwalks. I used this big broom that street sweepers use. At first, it was pretty difficult to use because I have never really swept the floor, but I quickly got the hang of it. We would put the swept up leaves, seeds, and rubbish into trash bins. The three of us spread out to different areas of the boardwalk and cleared our areas. In my area, there was a lot of seeds. Compared to sweeping leaves, sweeping the seeds is a lot more difficult. Most of them were lodged between the planks of wood, so when I was sweeping, I had to use a lot of force to get them out. I really like participating in this service. I can connect with the things we do there. The seeds in our life are like sins. God, the sweeper with the broom, forgives us and clears our lives form sins. He doesn't care if we, the boardwalk, have sins lodged so deeply inside our lives, but God will still get rid of those sins if we allow Him to. We were all a bit tired after sweeping the leaves.

After sweeping the leaves, we helped the other plots get rid of the unwanted weeds/plants growing on their plots. I actually like getting rid of those weeds/plants. It's fun. It's satisfying to see the plant and its roots coming out from the ground. In total, the three of us filled a basket with those weeds/plants. Finally, we put fertilizer onto the plants. Honestly, the organic fertilizer did not smell too good. The Tai Po Organic Farm claimed that the fertilizer was made from plant remains, but I'm not too sure. I wasn't too good at pouring the fertilizer on the plants, so I let the others to the rest.

Overall, this was an excellent service opportunity. Although it was a bit awkward at first because I was the only student that helped out, but the lady from the advancement office was very kind and funny. I had a great time and hope to go again before school ends.

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