Thursday, September 25, 2014

MAD - Proposal Form

Our group put together a proposal form draft. Here is the link to it:

Sunday, September 21, 2014

MAD - Initial Ideas

During our first big group MAD meeting around a month ago, Victoria and I found something in common - we both wanted to help out the ICS community with cleaning and organizing. We formed a small group because of that. Tiffany soon joined us during that first big group MAD meeting. Rachel joined us during the second MAD meeting. We then shared some ideas on what we wanted to do.

These were a few of our initial ideas:
- Cleaning up the art room (gets messy, especially after painting classes)
- Helping the library organize (books, etc.)
- Helping teachers that are injured or could use some organizational help (Mrs. Hunter, Mrs. Wilson, etc.)

We're still coming up with ideas, but our main focus is to help the ICS community with cleaning and organizing.

To my group, I've proposed an idea about going to the food bank and helping out. That idea was put down because many people were not free on Saturdays. No problem. I will still go there myself to help out (this coming Saturday I will help out at the food bank). I'm also interested in Kiva ( According to the senior in charge of managing it in ICS, it can count as a MAD project. In Kiva, you provide loans to those who need it. The people who receive the loans can use the money to buy seeds, textiles, appliances, etc. I thought about doing it for my MAD project, but I wanted to do something that can help the community in HK, including the ICS community. So, I've decided to stick with my group, participate in the food bank, and work with Kiva all at the same time. My main MAD project will still be helping the ICS community with cleaning and organizing.

Right now, my group and I need to think of steps and fill out the MAD proposal form by this week.

Tai Po Organic Farm - September 13, 2014

Last Saturday, on September 13, I went to the Tai Po Organic Farm. We met at Tai Wo station and rode a bus there. We walked through a village and reached the farm. A green-shirted guy introduced us to what we were going to do. Two other people and I have been here before, so we were put to work immediately. The rest of the group went on a mini tour of the farm. The three of us were given the task of pulling out old corn stalks. We were given tools to loosen up the dirt near the roots. When we got most of the dirt loosened up, we were (usually) able to yank the corn stalk out. It was pretty tiring, especially under the boiling sun. We had to remove around 20-30 of these corn stalks. There were many bugs and flying insects. The other group, the group that has never been to the Tai Po Organic Farm, planted seeds in the dirt. In total, we worked for around 2 hours and departed after that.

Throughout this service, I was reminded of God's blessings. Many people in China and other places in the world do this every day to make a living. Oftentimes, they don't get a lot of pay from it too. It reminded me to be thankful of everything God has given me. It was also pretty cool experiencing what some of my ancestors may have had to do every day. I wouldn't mind going back and working in the farm again.

A New Year - 10th Grade

Hi! I will continue to use this blog to write about my MAD project in 10th grade. It will contain posts about my decision making, progress, events, success (or failure), and reflections. Some other non-MAD related service opportunities that I participated in will also be posted on this blg. I will try my best to post often, especially when I just finished a service.