Saturday, December 31, 2016

December (and January-ish) Update

This month was the busiest. Details had to be mostly finalised before the break, and most of the communication things were done this month, due to timing. If we advertised back in Sept/Oct, it would probably be too early and the DH would forget about the event. So, advertising one month in advance would be better. (However, we actually ended up advertising a little late - during late december and early January - it still turned out well and we had a good amount of people coming). Regarding the communications things, I put up several posters around school to advertise to the DHs at school. I also spent several days afterschool (in January) and passed out flyers to the domestic helpers directly. Also, during Christmas break, I went out to pass out flyers on the street. My helper was amazing and helped me give some of the flyers to her friends too. Regarding logistics, I made the facilities spreadsheet and volunteer information during the break, so I wouldn't be as swamped during the two weeks back at school before the event. We had Mrs. Nollan post about the event on schoology, but I felt that it didn't receive much feedback. I confirmed details regarding the loctations/scheduling/budgeting with Mrs. Chan, who has been a great help for this event.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

November Update

During this month, I sent out emails to teachers who volunteered to help with the various workshops and booths for DHOD. I included information regarding the day and asked them if they needed any student volunteers or materials. Charis and I also began to contact the NGOs, and we received emails back saying that they were interested, and that they were figuring out the manpower. We have monthly meetings about DHOD, where we talk about how communications can spread the word about the event, the logistics, etc. Also, because there was a slight mistake on our 1000 flyers, we had detention students edit each one of them.

Monday, October 31, 2016

October Update

The Domestic Helper Open Day planning has been going well! We're going to begin to contact churches early and mid November, and the logistics of the event are mostly confirmed. There are teachers who volunteered for various workshops, so that has been going well too. We have the design ready and we ordered 1000 flyers and a pull up banner for publicity. We have meetings 1-2 times a month.

Monday, August 29, 2016

MAD Brainstorming - September

Senior year is going to be pretty busy, and I want to do something meaningful during my last year for my mad project. I canceled out the other three ideas I originally had because they weren't as do-able or it didn't fit my schedule. I talked with the service learning office and they said that volunteering at orphanages are hard to work with in Hong Kong. For the library-related and music-related services, I can't do those because I'm busy 3-4 days afterschool, so timing is an issue.

That left me with one. I've been on the committee since last year, so I really enjoyed it. As I have a domestic helper myself, the issue of domestic helpers really speaks to me. So, I've decided to do the domestic helper open day as my mad project. I might switch mad groups because three other people in another mad group are doing the same one. If I can still switch, I'll switch over, but if not, I can still plan/work with them during other times.

Friday, August 19, 2016

12th Grade MAD Brainstorming - August

I'm part of the Domestic Helper Open Day Committee, and I'm one of the heads. I might want to do this as my MAD project, but I'm also interested in doing something outside of school. I know that Hong Kong has a couple of orphanages, and it seems pretty interesting to volunteer at one of those, but I'm not sure how I will be able to arrange that sort of thing. I've never heled out at one before, so I think it'll be a worthwhile experience. There's a list of service opportunities in school that are available, and a couple of those stick out to me. I'm also interested in the library work because I like to be organized, and I think that my skills will go along nicely with those kind of projects. I also saw some opportunities related to music, and I think I can also use my musical knowledge/skills to serve those who are interested in learning. Music plays a large part in my life, and I hope that those being served will be able to share my joy in music.

So, so far my MAD project ideas have been narrowed down to these four:
1) Domestic Helper Open Day
2) Volunteer at an orphanage
3) Help the ES/HS library
4) Music-related services