Monday, August 29, 2016

MAD Brainstorming - September

Senior year is going to be pretty busy, and I want to do something meaningful during my last year for my mad project. I canceled out the other three ideas I originally had because they weren't as do-able or it didn't fit my schedule. I talked with the service learning office and they said that volunteering at orphanages are hard to work with in Hong Kong. For the library-related and music-related services, I can't do those because I'm busy 3-4 days afterschool, so timing is an issue.

That left me with one. I've been on the committee since last year, so I really enjoyed it. As I have a domestic helper myself, the issue of domestic helpers really speaks to me. So, I've decided to do the domestic helper open day as my mad project. I might switch mad groups because three other people in another mad group are doing the same one. If I can still switch, I'll switch over, but if not, I can still plan/work with them during other times.

Friday, August 19, 2016

12th Grade MAD Brainstorming - August

I'm part of the Domestic Helper Open Day Committee, and I'm one of the heads. I might want to do this as my MAD project, but I'm also interested in doing something outside of school. I know that Hong Kong has a couple of orphanages, and it seems pretty interesting to volunteer at one of those, but I'm not sure how I will be able to arrange that sort of thing. I've never heled out at one before, so I think it'll be a worthwhile experience. There's a list of service opportunities in school that are available, and a couple of those stick out to me. I'm also interested in the library work because I like to be organized, and I think that my skills will go along nicely with those kind of projects. I also saw some opportunities related to music, and I think I can also use my musical knowledge/skills to serve those who are interested in learning. Music plays a large part in my life, and I hope that those being served will be able to share my joy in music.

So, so far my MAD project ideas have been narrowed down to these four:
1) Domestic Helper Open Day
2) Volunteer at an orphanage
3) Help the ES/HS library
4) Music-related services