Wednesday, March 4, 2015

MAD Update (March 4, 2015)

This Tuesday, I helped Mrs. Wilson with two main things - grading papers and making garbage bag costumes for Trash and Fashion.

We graded a class's papers. Some of the questions were difficult to grade, because there were multiple parts to it.

Rachel cut the letters that made the word "trash and fashion" out, and I helped to tape them onto rubbish bags. The students will cut holes into it and wear it.

Helping Mrs. Wilson has allowed me to have a greater appreciation of the teachers in ICS. They work really hard to provide the best learning opportunity for us.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sharon. You've done a good number of blog posts, including recent ones. I"m having trouble seeing the photos you've tried to upload though.
    In your MAD proposal, you talked about getting feedback from the teacher based on questions you would ask (not just at the end of the project, but during it). Have you done this yet? What kind of feedback has the teacher given you so far?
