Friday, December 12, 2014

ICS Service Warriors (with SWD) - November 27, 2014

This was the first service that the ICS Service Warriors participated in. We had one after school meeting every week three weeks prior to this service, totaling approximately 3 hours of preparation. During the first preparation meeting, we brainstormed ideas for this service. A person from the Shatin Welfare Department (SWD) came to our school and gave us some background information. In our second preparation meeting, there was role play and finalizing the activities we were going to do. In the third meeting, we finalized our preparations and got all the materials we needed.

On November 27, after school, we went to a home for mentally retarded women. There, we were given a tour of the home and informed about the different needs that the mentally retarded people would have. After the tour, we went into an activity room and played the games and activities we prepared for them. Even when we prepared simple games, such as tossing a balloon in the air, they found great delight in it. In total, we had four activities prepared for them: playing with balloons (hot potatoes), pass the parcel, jigsaw puzzles, and puzzles. Every time a new activity was introduced, we would have 2-3 students explain the instructions. I helped to introduce the pass the parcel game. Some of them were reluctant to join. So, I went around and encouraged them to join in the activities. In the end, most of the people in the room joined in the activities.

This was one of my favorite services to participate in. In the past, I have served children and the elderly. I'm not sure why, but I liked to serve those with mental disabilities the most. In this ICS Service Warriors group, I intended to explore different kinds of service and see which one I enjoy participating in the most. As of now, out of all the options, serving the mentally retarded is at the top of my list.

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