Friday, December 12, 2014

Sha Tin Food Bank - December 6, 2014

On December 6, I went to a food bank for service with three other students. In 9th grade, I went to Tung Wah Food Bank a few times. The Sha Tin Food Bank was similar, but had some differences, to the Tung Wah Food Bank.

A worker at the Sha Tin Food Bank started off our service by giving us a talk on what food banks are. I already know the general gist of the purpose food banks, but the worker informed me about things I never knew about. That included information about: who was qualified for food banks, the types and needs of different people, and government support. He asked us questions to ensure that we understood what he said. I shared a bit about my experience at Tung Wah Food Bank.

After the worker explained what food banks were, we started our service. There was a mother and daughter waiting to collect their food. The four of us helped transport the canned and packaged food into their bags. The heavier foods, such as canned foods, were put in teh bottom, and the lighter foods, such as biscuits, were put on the top. The worker told us to ask the family some questions, so we did. This was a difference compared to the Tung Wah Food Bank. When I helped in the Tung Wah food bank, I didn't really interact with the people getting the food. I stayed in the storage room and helped out there. Anyways, after helping the first family, we started to assemble a food "package" for a family of three. On a sheet of paper, there were different types of foods (written in Chinese) with the quantity next to it. At first, I had some difficulty reading the Chinese, but I quickly got the hang of it. I looked for the food on the shelves and passed it on to two other students outside who were putting it into boxes. We assembled one more "package", then it was time to go.

Helping out in a food bank was really fun. Serving the Hong Kong community is a priority of mine.

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