Sunday, January 4, 2015

Food Angel - December 30

I went with a few other students to help at a Food Angel in Sham Shui Po. I was under 16, so I couldn't help in the kitchen. I was fine with it because that meant that I could interact with the elderly more. Before the elderly came for lunch, we had to do some preparation work. Some people generously donated numerous boxes of kiwis. We sorted the kiwis and thew away the bad or moldy ones. When the elderly came, I helped them get their name tags and helped them to find a seat. Before we served them their food, another student and I walked around and chatted with the elderly. I could tell that a lot of them were pleased that we came. After we were introduced, we began to serve them. I served them tea or water, depending on their request. I passed out plates of food. Some of the elderly had specific requests for their food, such as having less rice and more vegetables. So, I had to remember those requests and relayed the message to the cooks. I also helped pass out refills to those who wanted it. When I didn't have much to do, I would walk around and chat with the elderly. They are really kind and welcoming.

Overall, this service took around 2 hours. However, time flew by as I served them. I was serving them, but in the end, they were the ones that served me too. They gave me joy and satisfaction. The other students and I even thought about staying and helping with the dinner shift. I would love to come here to serve the elderly again.

(Pictures will be up soon)

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