Friday, January 16, 2015

MAD Update (January 16, 2015)

We intended to start our MAD service project on Tuesday. Rachel and I went to help Mrs. Hunter on Tuesday. However, we didn't know that another MAD group was helping Mrs. Hunter too. So, I went to help Mrs. Wilson instead to even out the number of helpers per teacher. But, we had a few miscommunications and Mrs. WIlson forgot that we were helping on Tuesday. So, we weren't able to help that day.

We're making some changes to our plan. Starting next week, we're helping only Mrs. Wilson every week on Mondays and Tuesdays afterschool. So, two people will be going on Monday and two on Tuesday. We haven't really decided who will go on which day because it depends on who is available.

To improve what we are currently doing, we should communicate better with Mrs. WIlson.

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